Choose your platforms wisely. That is seemingly an overwhelming statement for most organizations these days. So many social media platforms, so little time. How do you decide when there are so many choices; YouTube or Locals? Facebook or Tik Tok? Snapchat or Pinterest? What is the formula that is going to work for my situation and goals? A few key considerations: Your goals, Your limitations, Your audience, Platforms that fit your needs geographic popularity and age group of your main demographic. Your goals Starting with the end in mind, write out your ultimate outcome for the project that you would like to create. Now, it’sRead More →

Print is more practical today than ever!  From the time of Johannes Gutenberg, who invented the printing press in 1450 till the modern day – Print Still Rules.  The Gutenberg Press increased literacy across Europe, as books where more readily available to the common man.  Readers thirst for knowledge took care of the rest. Almost 600 years later, thousands of Newspapers, Magazines and other Periodicals are printed daily. Millions of pages of words and images distributed right to the hands of your possible prospect.  People want the news, (your business being included with that content), by association your ad receives additional credibility by being placedRead More →

Bad ads? If you’ve been around more than 30 minutes, I’m almost certain that you have encountered bad ads. Print, broadcast or social — they exist….. Beautifully designed ads that are diminished by omitting the phone number, physical address, or reducing text so small that it becomes indiscernible in printed form, or the mystery commercial. The one that leaves you wondering ‘what were they even promoting’? International advertisers use the mystery commercial formula frequently, surely it’s to overcome a multi country language barrier. However, my feeling is that the message is forgotten immediately. There being no lasting anchor planted during viewing. That would be especiallyRead More →