Is Print Still Practical?

Print is more practical today than ever!  From the time of Johannes Gutenberg, who invented the printing press in 1450 till the modern day – Print Still Rules.  The Gutenberg Press increased literacy across Europe, as books where more readily available to the common man.  Readers thirst for knowledge took care of the rest. Almost 600 years later, thousands of Newspapers, Magazines and other Periodicals are printed daily.

Millions of pages of words and images distributed right to the hands of your possible prospect.  People want the news, (your business being included with that content), by association your ad receives additional credibility by being placed with the editorial content.

When I started in media professionally 30 years ago, I started in print. It was my first love. Print prepared me for the world of Radio, then Broadcast and now Digital.  After all this time it never ceases to amaze me – the power of the written word to move people more than the other mediums. From hundreds of phone calls on a top article, to the marked response of well built display ads that accompanies the news. The power of print still moves people.  

Remember, print can’t be deleted, altered, or controlled once it’s in the “wild”.  It is AS PRINTED.

Many voices have announced the death of print for the last few decades, yet here we are, still turning physical pages. Radio, TV and Digital media have all tried for years to predict the death of print… (It’s easy to disparage your largest market share competitor with your own controlled airwaves…) Hence, marketers and the public’s nagging perception of the perceived death of print. Every major layoff in a newsroom, anywhere, has been covered to bolster that perception. While print chose not to highlight the woes of their competitors, as a strength point for them, the printed word continued to do what it has done for centuries, inform the people.

I am here to tell you print is anything but dead in this modern age. There are so many choices in each market, and new publications are starting all the time.  It truly is an exciting time for the industry as a whole.

If you are interested in knowing more about print, so you can make educated buying decisions – click the black “Click Here” button at the right and someone will contact you to explore the possibilities to enrich your vision.